Talking about Sound Baths on Essex Radio!


Sound healing is a holistic ancient system in human history.It uses the vibrations and frequencies of sound to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and facilitate healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.
What is a Sound Bath
It is a deeply immersive listening experience inviting you into a deeper state of consciousness.
It is an ancient healing system practiced for hundreds of years. Sound waves and vibrations resonating from instruments penetrate to dissolve trauma and reset cells in the body to their natural pattern, in turn helping the body to activate its natural healing abilities and boost recovery.
Lying down in a comfortable position with a blanket and eye mask, you are firstly guided through a gentle meditation to introduce you into a calm, relaxed state. You are then immersed in various sounds and vibrations produced by instruments such as singing bowls, gongs, chimes and other percussion instruments. The sound waves and vibrations wash over you and you are "bathed" in sound waves.
The vibrations and sounds relax the tissues and muscles in the body, helping to calm inflammation, relieve pain and bring comfort.
Potential benefits from a sound bath include but are not restricted to relaxation, improved sleep, emotional release and stress reduction.
Sound can create experiences such as deep spiritual peace and an acceptance within a person resulting in mental clarity and well being.
mind - body - spirit
1 hr
25 British pounds1 hr 30 min
£25 per person40 min
From 45 British pounds40 min
From 45 British pounds1 hr
55 British pounds40 hr 45 min
From 50 British pounds40 min
From 50 British pounds1 hr
55 British pounds30 min
35 British pounds1 hr 50 min
89 British pounds1 hr
55 British pounds30 min
35 British pounds